Monday, September 1, 2008

Where is my Fav Haunt?

I've been getting some emails asking me for directions to Catherine's shop at Bugis Village.

Here are the directions:

From Bugis Junction, cross the traffic towards bugis village.

Once you enter bugis village, don't get distracted by the shops and human traffic!

Go straight until you see this shop selling 'adult toys' with lots of flashing red light bulbs.

There's a small alleyway on your left.

Turn in and walk straight.

Look out for the shop "Zimple" that's on your left.

You can check out my review of Zimple at this post.

Continue heading straight a few shops down and you'll see a no signboard shop. It is quite easy to miss it because the shop is rather cramped and subdivided into two.

However you can tell that it is the right shop from the others because of the clothes they carry. Usually office skirts and smart casual jackets.

Price range for office skirts are usually $30-$35.

I bought this smart casual jacket from them for $28 (after bargaining).
Again, my photography skills could have been better! =)

Here's a close up view of the details:
Let me know if you still can't find it!
I'll try to take pictures the next time i go there.